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Learning Disability Certification (Advance)


Rs. 32,500/-


12 weeks + Practical

About the Course

Learning Disability is a neurological disorder that results in a difference in the way a person’s brain is wired. They may have difficulty in reading, writing, spelling, reasoning, recalling and/or organizing information.

The advance course equips the participants with various teaching techniques, how to identify the working area in a case study and based on it how to formulate an IEP; which facilitates growth and learning in the child.

Module Objectives:

  • To deepen participants' understanding of various learning disabilities.

  • To provide advanced knowledge and skills in assessing and diagnosing learning disabilities.

  • To equip participants with evidence-based interventions and accommodations.

  • To explore assistive technologies and other resources for learners with disabilities.

  • To foster a comprehensive approach to supporting individuals with learning disabilities.

Week 1: Revisiting foundational concepts of Learning Disability

Session 1: What is Learning Disability

Session 2: Signs and symptoms

Week 2: Detailed study of different types of Learning Disability

Session 3: Types of Learning Disabilities

Session 4: Introduction to Check-lists

Week 3: Early Identification and Assessment

Session 5: Recognizing Learning Disabilities

Session 6: Assessment and Diagnosis

Week 4: Internship Based Learning

Week 5: Evidence-Based Interventions

Session 7: Reading Interventions

Session 8: Math and Writing Interventions

Week 6: Assistive Technology and Accommodations

Session 9: Assistive Technology for Learning Disabilities

Session 10: Accommodations and Universal Design

Week 7: Methodologies of Teaching Techniques

Session 11: Introduction to various Teaching Methodologies

Session 12: Preparation of Teaching Aids

Week 8: Social and Emotional Aspects

Session 13: Social and Emotional Impact

Session 14: Behavioral Interventions

Week 9: Transition/IEP and Post-Secondary Planning

Session 15: Transition/IEP Planning

Session 16: Report Writing

Week 10: Classroom Management

Week 11: Evaluation

Week 12: Course Conclusion and Graduation

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